
Set in the near future of cybernetic enhancements and a failing health care system, Private Investigator Carla Winette searches for her brother Leroy in Marathon, Texas. On the hunt for her estranged brother, Carla unwittingly dives into the illegal organ cloning black market, and finds an enemy in its kingpin, Demetrius. Pit against Demetrius’ crony, known simply as The Hairless Man, Carla must overcome past trauma and betrayal to uncover the truth behind his disappearance.



Arianna is an ex-marine and single mother to a daughter she has not seen in 3 years, until now. Upon her return, she is haunted by her time in combat and the guilt of abandoning her only child. To escape the weight of home life and her financial woes, she turns to competitive gaming. Her high school friend Corey sees her struggling and suggests a game not many know about: a game where you can make millions. Little does she know Logan is entering a world where fantasy begins to bleed into reality, survival trends into entertainment and the cost of survival outweighs the price of morality.



When college sophomore Blake Sheridan is sexually assaulted, she begins to drift. Unable to confide in her friends and family, Blake falls into the welcoming arms of The Ravens, a community of women who have all fallen victim to such a trauma. But as she falls deeper and deeper into their embrace, she soon realizes they seek more than comfort: turning the predator into their prey. A series of bizarre deaths and the arrival of a suspicious reporter prompt Blake to explore this form of justice and question who really has the power.



Panic sweeps the city as a rage virus infects the majority of its population. Exactly 60% are a target for this virus, and the vehicle of release? The tampon. Emily and her friends must reach the product’s company headquarters before the city drowns in a flood of menstrual fury.